Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage ST. THOMAS MORE COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN

Annual Ukrainian Studies reception

The PCUH was proud to co-host with the STM Dean’s Office the annual reception for Ukrainian Studies on Tuesday, October 9th. Current students enrolled in the program and others were in attendance this year along with STM faculty.

The master of ceremonies was Dr. Nadia Foty-Oneschuk who welcomed the students to STM’s Chelsea Lounge where the reception was held. Speaking briefly about the college and the Ukrainian program at the college, Dr. Foty-Oneschuk invited other faulty and staff to speak directly to recent efforts by the college and PCUH to enhance Ukrainian programming at the U of S.

Prof. Kordan, PCUH Director, spoke about the role of the centre on campus, highlighting the centre’s financial support for course instruction, students, and their activities. He encouraged the students to avail themselves off all that the college offers as a way to discover Ukrainian culture and identity and to make friendships with each other.  He reminded them that these were the best years of their life and that what they did now will remain with them forever. Mr. Mykola Dolgy of the Ukrainian Students’ Union spoke next, inviting the uninitiated in the crowd to join the student group as a way to know more about Ukrainian student-based activities on campus. He mentioned in passing that the U of S group was the largest of its kind in Canada and a testament to the interest of the students and the strength of institutional support.

The Dean of St Thomas More College, Dr. Arul Kumaran, spoke of the college as the natural home of Ukrainian Studies on the U of S campus, underscoring how the program has provided students with a unique opportunity to explore their Ukrainian heritage. He encouraged them to enroll in the courses and to consider the Spring Session in Ukraine (SSU) as a way to round out their undergraduate experience. It was message reiterated by Mr. Cooper Muirhead, who not only provided further information on the SSU but also invited several past participants in the program to share their thoughts and impressions about the study abroad in Ukraine experience. Dr. Foty-Oneschuk followed with a brief synopsis of the Ukrainian Studies Minor on campus and encouraged students to consider the Minor program as a course of study.

The students and faculty were finally able to mingle and share information over a bowl of punch and dainties. It was a fitting end to an informal meet and greet session, which the students unanimously agreed found to be informative and useful.