Spring Session in Ukraine (SSU), another of St. Thomas More College’s undergraduate study abroad programs, was offered during May 2 – June 8, 2017 in co-operation with STM’s university partner – Ternopil National Pedagogical University (TNPU). The program offers a combination of University of Saskatchewan language and culture courses for university credit in a study abroad setting. In 2017, five U of S students traveled to Ukraine where, under the supervision of SSU academic coordinator and STM anthropology professor Dr. Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, they pursued their studies in the Ukrainian language and culture, in Ternopil and beyond. As part of their course activities, students traveled to Lviv, Kamianets-Podilsky, and the Caprathian mountains. In addition, TNPU language tutors and professors involved the students in many more cultural activities, including various creative workshops on handmade doll making, stones painting and wreath making. In their course work, drawing on their field experience, students researched and wrote on the shared theme of wellbeing and health in Ukraine. The presentation of student research findings is to be soon scheduled. The Prairie Centre for Ukrainian Heritage (PCUH) supported the program by offering travel bursaries to three participants on the basis of merit and need. The SSU 2017 participants were Jacob Yuriy, Maria Olenick, Alexander Clark, Alexa Kowaluk and Mykan Zlipko.