Excerpt from May 5, 2022 Starphoenix article by Bryn Levy
“The Unite for Ukraine fundraiser brought in $250,000 in support of humanitarian aid for Chernivtsi, a Western Ukrainian city that’s had a “sister city” agreement with Saskatoon for 30 years. Saskatoon’s firefighers’ union has been leading an effort to gather supplies that began after Chernivtsi mayor Roman Klichuk wrote to Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark asking for any help the city could provide in Chernivtsi’s hour of need. Clark passed the request to the firefighters and local charities working on aid for Ukraine. Other members of council got on board to help organize Wednesday’s fundraising luncheon, alongside leaders from the business and Ukrainian communities.
Funds raised Wednesday will benefit the International Association of Firefighters Local 80’s Unite for Ukraine campaign to secure humanitarian supplies for Chernivtsi. Donations can be made to a GoFundMe campaign set up for the cause.”
Check out the link to the STM article!