Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage ST. THOMAS MORE COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN

Dedication of Eaton Interment Memorial Garden

The Saskatchewan Railway Museum (SRM) is the site of WWI internment in Canada. On May 25, 2018, a dedication of the Eaton Memorial Garden on the grounds of the SRM took place.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress in co-operation with the SRM and in partnership with the German Canadian Council and the Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage initiated a project to create a memorial garden at the site. A place of remembrance and reflection, the garden is part of an ongoing initiative to reclaim the historical memory of internment, a time when 8,579 ‘enemy aliens’ were arrested and interned in camps across Canada such as at Eaton. In 2005, the PCUH erected a monument on this site. The garden is an extension of that project. The centre will continue to work with the museum and other partners in creating an interactive museum educational display that will provide further information on the experience and be used as a teaching tool for students and others.

For more information on the plaque unveiling ceremony, read on here.